I have been checking "Dig That Crazy Chick" Blog every day to see her ongoing #13 - 31 series of Halloween tags. So inspirational Vicki!! I figured if I was going to join in on the Halloween fun I better get to it! I chose a Paper Doll that is my favorite from the pack. I found the original photo at the Three Speckled Hens Antique Show a few years ago and I just love that she is holding a rabbit! I know, it's probably an Easter Photo but we put her in the Halloween pack because there's that "Fatal Attraction" thing going on in her eyes! Enjoy!
Paper Doll + Distress Crayons + limited water
Mini Etcetera Tag + 2 pieces of Distress Watercolor paper + 3D Lumber Texture Folder.
Glue to tag with Collage Medium, let dry. THEN spray with Distress Spray Stain.
Spray/splatter Oxide Spray: Ripe Persimmon + Shabby Shutters + Dusty Concord + a few mists of water.
Once ink is dry, rub Vintage Photo or other dark brown/black ink pad directly over tag to darken the high points.
First layer: Ripped Worn Wallpaper (Halloween pack) + round ephemera from the Halloween Layers and Baseboard Frames Pack (3D Foam Squares behind the ephemera).
Paper Doll + 3D foam Squares
Words from Curiosities Halloween Sticker Book + Mica sheet (bought online) + string
Gadget Gears + Mini Gears with added Black Embossing Powder and Distress Crayon.
I was able to get the embossing powder to look this way by spraying the largest gear with Distress Resist Spray (makes a splatter) and then sprinkling the powder into the liquid. Use an Embossing gun to heat/melt + caution as the metal will become VERY hot. Color directly with Cray in Peeled Paint and Walnut Stain. TIP: Remember to use a Splatter Box when using Resist Spray!
Combine Gadget Gear + Mini Gear. Color with Black paint and Peeled Paint Distress Crayon.
Vintage string colored with Distress Ink + held in place with Collage Medium (dries clear).
I hope you liked the tutorial today! Thanks to Vicki for the inspiration to make, make, make! It's what makes me HAPPY!
now carry on,