Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Day 7 - Halloween Card File

Hello friends,

Back here today with Day 7 of the Halloween Card file. 
Today our pockets and tags feature images from the Collage Strips. You might go through the strips to pick the images you like before starting. It's good to have the images in hand so you can test the spacing for the transparencies. Lets get started!

gather supplies
Let's start with the pockets. 
Each pocket is done similarly, but pocket 3 has the transparency on the inside of the pocket, instead of the outside.  
Pocket 1 Supplies
Pocket 1
  1. Adhere Collage Paper to the pocket. Use ink puddle to color the Collage Paper.
  2. Once dry, rip paper away from the center hole (this does not have to be perfect).
  3. Use Scorched Timber to stamp directly on pocket.
  4. Cut a piece of the spiderweb transparency. Do not cover too much of the hole with the web pattern so the image can show through (see main photo for reference).
  5. Adhere spiderweb transparency with Scor-tape and Cello Tape Stickers. Note: I only used the Scor-tape on the right edge of the transparency. The rest of the web is held on with the pieces of Cello Tape.
Pocket 2 Supplies
Same as Pocket 1, except I used the Scor-tape on the left side of the transparency.
Pocket 3 Supplies
This time I taped the cracked window transparency to the inside of the pocket (it's very fiddly). I made sure to put the opening where the face on the card would show through the hole. You can see I also left the Collage Paper very long. I loved the way the paper tore when I was removing it from the hole so I decided to leave it. Once Collage Paper has Collage Medium over it (even if it is not adhered to anything) the College Paper becomes thicker and sturdier than before.  Yes, it will still rip but not as easily.
I added the Cello Tape so the transparency would be connected to the center hole...the added tape also makes it similar to the other 2 pockets. Repetition is good in a Card File.
Now lets work on the cards to put in the three pockets.
Card 1 Supplies
  1. Adhere the Collage Strip down the center of the card, making sure that the image is in the right place to see through the hole in the pocket.
  2. Add stitching. I wanted lots of rows of stitching with long tails of string. But you do you.
  3. Add a stamp from Postmarked, Cello Tape and Clippings stickers (if you want a sentiment).  
  4. Add some kind of 'pull' at the top (all from the ephemera pack).  
Card 2 Supplies
Card 2
Card 3 Supplies
Card 3
I love how the people are peering out from inside each card. The transparencies have been perfectly placed for each one to take the stage.
So, there you go...Day 7 is done and we are ready to move on to Day 8 - The last day of our Card File series! 

Now to gather supplies for Day 8 - We are going out will a bang with the zigzag cards! 
They are the biggest and most fun to make! Can't wait to share!

Day 8 supplies -
Halloween Collage Paper
Halloween Backdrops
Halloween ephemera
Halloween Layers + Paper Dolls
Cello Tape
Deconstructed stamp set
Tidbits stamp set
1/4" ribbon
thin foam squares
Bouquet flower (optional)
Tiny Clip
Mummy Cloth or cheesecloth 
Hickory Smoke Oxide Ink

Now carry on,

Monday, October 14, 2024

Day 6 - Halloween Card File

Day 6 - Envelopes

When I created this Halloween Card File originally, this is where I started.  I loved the size of the envelope that comes with Card Set 2, because if you leave the envelope open, they become taller than all the other cards. So you get a better visual of bugs, butterflies and bones Collage Paper that was added. Which in my mind is perfect for a Halloween make. You may have other ideas or just want the envelopes closed. I say, to each his own!
Gather supplies!
I've added Curator ephemera to the mix. Super handy ephemera that I use over and over. Recently, Tim produced a stamp set (called Curator too!) that could be used in a pinch (I've added it to the supply list at the bottom) but I still love to be able to just open up the box I keep them in and dig around to find the exact one I need for the project at hand.
First up, lets talk envelopes. All three envelopes are done the same way, using the Collage Paper/ink puddle technique that we learned on Day 4. 
Any ephemera that was added to each envelope was 'painted' (I'll use that term loosely since I just used my fingertip) with Collage Medium, then dunked into the ink puddle and dried with a heat tool. You might ask why add the Collage Medium and not just dip it in the ink? Ephemera is uncoated so the puddle of ink would soak in quickly and just make the ephemera a brown blob. The wet Collage Medium protects the paper while the wet ink stays on the surface and in most cases can't get to the paper.
The Collage Medium not only helps with the ink technique, but it also makes the ephemera stronger to you can crumple, rip, bend the edges without it disintegrating (like paper does when exposed to water/wet mediums).

I think the ephemera is most noticeable on the skeleton envelope. Look at the color change from how it came out of the package! Thank you Distress Ink!
And seriously, Cello Tape stickers makes everything look better.
Rounded Cards
This next set of cards were really fun to make since they are a combination of stamping, paper, and sewing. That is my favorite combination.

I think the stitching really makes the cards interesting, so if at all possible, get out your sewing machine and add the stitching!
Card 1 supplies
Each card uses the same formula:
  1. Stamp the top half of the card with Scorched Timber Oxide Ink. Spritz with water to make the ink wick. Dry with a heat tool.
  2. Use Collage Medium to add Backdrop paper to the bottom half of the tag.
  3. Add strip from ephemera pack.
  4. Add stitching (is possible) of any kind. Does not matter if it's straight stitching, zigzag or otherwise. Leave strings long.
  5. Punch a hole at the top to add an eyelet. TIP: if you are having a hard finding eyelets, try the craft store sewing department next to the grommets (which are much bigger). I use 3/16" eyelets or sometimes they sell them as 4mm. This size works for the majority of things I make.
  6. Use phrases from your Sticker Book to create simple sentiments. 
  7. Add Cello Tape stickers. I cut these very small so they would not overpower the words.
  8. Tie heavy string into the eyelet at the top.
  9. Add Curator labels back to back (so the string is between the two labels).
Just wanted to mention something about Clipping stickers. 
When combining phrases or even words, make them look like they are friends and want to be together! For instance I wanted this to be read with a pause in the middle. So I gave it a space between the two phrases, but making sure the keep the words of each phrase close to each other. When you read this in your head, you can hear exactly where the pause should be.

Card 2 supplies
I love all that stamping at the top!
I used one larger Curator label and just wrapped it around the heavy string, instead of placing two smaller ones back to back.
Card 3 supplies

Again, the break between the phrases for a slight pause in reading...
Insert a card into each envelope so the tails hang on the outside. And no, it does not mater what card goes in what pocket.
Seriously, my favorite!
Okay, now only 2 more days to go! 
Gather your supplies and I'll meet you back here tomorrow!

Day 7 Supplies
 Halloween Collage Strips
 Halloween Collage Paper
Halloween Ephemera Pack
Halloween Transparencies
Cello Tape Stickers
Postmarked Sticker Book
Deconstructed Stamp set
Tidbits Stamp set
Sewing machine - orange thread (optional)

Now carry on,

Friday, October 11, 2024

Day 5 - Halloween Card File

Hello Friends,

Are you ready for Day 5?
Today we are making the first of our pockets using the library pockets from File Cards 2 pack (love it the pocket is pre-made for me!). These are easy (because why make it hard?) to create using the ink puddle technique we learned on Day 3.

Start by gathering your supplies. This time I've added the Layers + Paper Dolls pack to get the photobooth photo for one of the tags. We will use this pack again on Day 8.

Pocket 1
Please Note - I made a mistake when I took this image, thinking I had gotten the photo for card one from the Layers+ Paper Dolls Pack. I did not. I got the photo from the 2024 Photobooth pack. Of course you can use any photo or Paper Doll you wish. Sorry about that! 
We will be using the Layers + Paper Dolls pack on Day 8.
I only added the Backdrop paper to the front of the pocket but if you want it to wrap around to the back you can do that.
For the next two tags, I split Collage Paper into a couple pieces so I could use it on both tags. I DID use a Water Brush to tear away most of the plain paper before adding each piece to the tags. It does not matter what parts of the floral you use, the whole flower, or just bits and pieces to fill in the space. Once you add the ink from the puddle, the paper just fades into the background and you can't tell where it came from.
Pocket 2
You can see that I also used a variety of ribbon colors, from Antique Linen to the mix that we created earlier.

Pocket 3

And just a little something about the ephemera. 
Pocket on the left: I used a "book cover" and cut out the center. I taped the two pieces together, then added them to the pocket with the little butterfly on top. The number comes from the Sticker Book. I added two staples at the top of the square and a Mini Paper Clip.
Pocket in the center: I cut off part of the ephemera, then covered it with Collage Medium and ink from my puddle. Scrunch it up and bend the corners down to make it look old. The ephemera is also stapled to the pocket.
And just like that Day 5 is done! 
Take the weekend to catch up on any missing cards, then I'll be back on Monday with Day 6.

Supplies needs for Day 6
Halloween Backdrops
 Halloween Collage Paper
Halloween Ephemera pack
Halloween Sticker Book
Cello Tape Stickers
Ephemera Curator
Deconstructed stamp set
3 eyelets
heavy string (black and orange)
sewing machine - orange thread (optional)

now carry on,