I left Texas early Wednesday morning for quick trip to Minnesota before flying home. I met up with my friend Roseann and stop in at a few of her favorite junk haunts.
Our first stop is one of my favorites - Hunt and Gather. The last time I was at this store it was 2006. Home Companion magazine had a feature article on the store and a few of us flew to Minnesota to see it (yes, really).
If you ever have the opportunity to visit Hunt and Gather, go! It's part hoarders, part circus, part eclectic crazy town.
Just see for yourself...
Stacks of everything you can think of.
Seriously, every kind of letter you can imagine is in this store. And how about a leg or two?
My friend Roseann digging in a bin of ephemera.
No books, just covers.
This is a shot of the main hallway on the top floor. There is still a basement that is twice the size of the main floor.
And includes this bottle and jar room.
This was almost too much to take in. For those of us that love vintage Dennison labels it was a beautiful site.
This sewing machine was stunning with the gold over the black metal. I believe it was only $35 dollars or something close to that. But WAY too heavy to cart home!
Oh, little jars with large red labels...you have my heart!
Bowling shoes anyone? Just a little bit of everything fun and quiry!
Outside, letters of all sizes line the fence.
There are a few other shops in the same area as Hunt and Gather. Be sure to check out the darling shop just down the street, called Piccadilly Prairie. It has vintage, new and lots of cute DIY.
I loved their floor covered in vintage linoleum.
Thank you Roseann for a great day! Can't wait for next time!
Next up on the tour- Junk Bonanza
Thursday was opening day for the Junk Bonanza show (the real reason to be in Minnesota). I met up with Tim, Mario and Michelle (Mrs. Stampers Anonymous) for a whirlwind day at the show. Early Bird tickets all around...check!
The fall show is always my favorite. There was so much to look at, drool over, and cart away! We did our fare share of buying!
The big black hatbox went with us...
as did the red table.
I loved the chair that said "Author's Chair" on the back...not sure the story behind it but it's definitely one of a kind!
Our favorite booth of the show was Shop 501- amazing stuff throughout the booth and great prices. They also have a shop in Chaska (local to the show) - one of those places you need a truck to get everything you want home.
Loved this glass case (not that I have anywhere to put something like that).
And this sign. WOW! It was sold by the time we saw it but it was spectacular! I can see it on a huge wall in a loft apartment.
The displays were so inspiring - amazing what people come up with using old stuff as fodder.
And then there was this guy. Sweet, lovable and great for carrying away large items you may have just purchased. Like maybe a huge book.
This was my find of the show. A small scale dress form in a faded burgundy velvet. We walked by her a few times before I decided to go back to buy her. She will ultimately have a home in the CHA show booth which makes me happy!
One place I always stop is Lisa Souers booth. Not only is she as nice as can be, her booth is always amazing. She is so clever utilizing old junk to create displays. From the picture below you can see that a lot of people love Lisa's work as much as I do!
I have no idea how many times Mario went the van during the day...this was the last go around, where we went back for some of the larger items and gathered them into the shopping cart Michelle bought.
These two are always fun to shop with. Tim can talk you into buying anything, no matter how wacky. And Mario...well he is the master packer and can help you ship the craziness home!
After the show - we drove to a few local stores, including taking the group over to Hunt and Gather (it's a see it to believe it kinda place). They were have a sale (and kind of a party) so they had a working hot dog machine right in the middle of the store for any hungry customers. Seriously how fun is that?

FYI: My next classes are back in Texas in October. I'll be teaching at The Crafty Scrapper in Waxahachie. Dates are on the right sidebar. Join me if you can!
now carry on,