name: Christine Kelly
name of your business: Gentlework
city and or country you live in? Shropshire, UK
when I was a child I wanted to be?
A star of musical theatre.
I wish I’d never worn?
I have no regrets – it all made sense at the time.

5 things on your desk right now?
My nana’s pincushion in the shape of a hedgehog, dried seed heads from nearby woods, a cup of lemon and ginger tea and an overflowing landscape of vintage fabric, threads and haberdashery.
favorite guilty pleasure?
Buying vintage doll’s beds.
I’m very bad at?
favorite movie of all time?
The Wizard of Oz
do you collect anything?
Yes, most things. I have quite a lot of vintage cream woollen blankets, mostly picked up in charity shops…mother of pearl buttons….old mending threads….feathers and twigs picked up on walks – you get the idea!
what’s your strangest talent?
I do a Lesley Phillips (British film actor) impression that makes my husband laugh a lot.
if you got a free plane ticket to anywhere, where would you go?
The Merry old land of Oz.
how did you get started?
I don’t ever remember not making things, Gentlework is just a continuation of that.
go to products that relate to your craft?
Vintage french linen, careworn fabrics and faded book pages.
how do you get inspired or stay inspired?
Inspiration comes continually and from all places, but often from nature, a walk in the woods with my dog, Sparky, always bears fruit.
My blog, Gentlework and my Facebook page
Thank you again Christine for sharing your talent with us! We are truly inspired.
now carry on,