I also like what Fred said, "For me the joy of putting the ornaments on the tree are the
memories... Gratitude for the giver of the gift... Gratitude for
the connecting of our lives... Gratitude for the love."
memories... Gratitude for the giver of the gift... Gratitude for
the connecting of our lives... Gratitude for the love."
Thank you everyone who commented!
Here's the winner of Day 1 of the 7 Days of Giveaways!

- My favorite tradition started when I was a child and still holds
true today. We make an event of going to get our live Christmas tree.
When I was a child the tree farm was right across the street and I use
to go with my Dad and cut the tree down. Now I go with my husband (he
sometimes grumbles but he's a good sport) and we cut down a 13 foot blue
spruce for our living room. Saw in hand, horse drawn buggy, tree
shaker, binder, hot chocolate and smores - what else could you want?
Makes me misty just thinking about it! Sigh...
Kat, please email me at paula@2gypsygirls.com to claim your prize!
You have 24 hours or it goes back in the pot!
Now on to our tutorial...find a comfortable seat because this one's a long one!
Peace On Earth

I found this old piece of wood in the garage leftover from a long ago booth project. Fair game now.
I filled the holes with wood fill and sanded it smooth before moving on to the next step.
I picked a paper that was large enough to cover the entire board and adhered it to the wood with matte Multi-Medium (you must work fast on this size board for good coverage).
Sand away any paper overhanging the edge.
Add another coating of matte Multi-Medium to the surface. Bubbles, bubbles, bubbles...you will get them, but they usually disappear after a few hours.
Use a baby wipe to add white paint over the entire piece.
I like it a little heaver on the edges.
Let dry.
Once white paint is dry, add a bit of burnt umber paint to another baby wipe and rub it into the dry white paint.
It goes on dark but using the baby wipe will allow you to manipulate the paint till it looks the way you like it. Set the board to the side while we work on the embellishments.
Pick some chipboard letters to spell the word PEACE. I used these from 7gypsies. Paint the chipboard letters white. It took 2 coats to cover up the pattern on the letters using Claudine Hellmuth Studio paint. I love how thick this paint is.
After the paint is dry, add a coat of Distress Crackle Paint-Rock Candy to the letters. The crackle paint has it's own little brush in the cap (easy or what?) Simply brush over the letters.
Thin coat = small cracks
Thick coat = large cracks
Remember to just brush over the letters once...because it's crackle paint you want to brush it on and leave it alone to dry...no touching up.
Depending on how thick you brush the crackle medium on, it will take about 10-15 minutes to dry. You can see here the the E is almost done and the P still has a big wet spot at the top. Patience is key.
Once dry, use a blending tool add a bit of Distress ink to bring out the cracks...magic girls, just magic.
Okay, on to the small letters for "on earth".
I could paint these too but I am going to use foil instead.
So we will need some good glue stick. I like ThermOweb's Super Stik myself. The key here is use a lot, more than you think you will need.
Once they have a lot of glue on them, flip them over an stick them to the backside of the gold foil. Let them dry for at least 15 minutes. The more glue and the longer you let them dry, the golder they will be.
Then peel them up off the foil.
These are perfect for my liking.
Sand away any excess foil (I used my Basic Grey file set).
Then add Distress ink to the edges (Vintage Photo).
Next I added the Distress Crackle paint over the foil and look what you get.
So the order is foil, sand, ink, crackle, wait = awesome
Okay, we're done with letters so set them to the side while we work on the middle section.
I am using the same set of wings we used in the advent calendar
sorry, the wings have sold out
Start by painting the wings white using the same paint as the we did earlier.
Press the foil onto the wing.
Remove the thin foil almost immediately. If it's not enough gold, just repeat the steps.
Here's a look at the wings when they are finished.
But not really...
Because this time were going back to the Distress Crackle paint. Because we can.
Paint each wing with a nice coat and let it dry.
Look what it does to the foil.
Oh, how I love this look.
Next step, bend each wing part just a little bit.
Add some quick dry glue to the back of each piece and start stacking.
Until they look like this.
Set aside while we make the foundation for them to rest on.
I forgot to take a good picture of the foundation piece but it is just a piece of Warm and Natural batting with two layers of dyed cheese cloth over the top. I stitched around the edge to keep it together.Once I decide the placement on the board I painted earlier, I hammered tacks into each corner to keep it in place. I used some thin wire to create a frame for the wings (I wound it around the tacks twice).
Next I tacked on a piece of vintage tatting.
Oh, I think I need to use some vintage pearls, don't you?
So I stitched some of them to the tatting.
I had these tiny vintage glass beads in my stash that I stitched to the top portion...I was trying to mimic stars in the sky.
Time for the wings.
Now something for the center. I decided that the word 'hope' was appropriate to go with Peace on Earth so I typed it out on the computer and added it to a tiny glass vial.
Now what to put in the vial...
I had the idea that 'hope' is often represented by seeds...I didn't have any, but I did have some cumin in my spice drawer that could substitute for seeds.
Add to the center.
Now that the center is done, the letters can be added.
Add a little metal bling above the word Peace.
I decided to frame out the piece with some 1/8th thick wood (my husband helped me with that).
Here is the finished piece.
If you would like to enter to win today's giveaway
to win "Peace On Earth" for your home, please leave a comment.
to win "Peace On Earth" for your home, please leave a comment.
Today's question: What is your favorite holiday decoration?
Day 2 Giveaway is open till 12 midnight pacific time.
Winner will be posted tomorrow morning and you will have 24 hours to claim your prize.
ps) If you are even thinking about getting one of Deb's Merry Christmas spool kits she only has 5 left. You can purchase in the Etsy Shop or contact her at debbie@2gypsygirls.com for one.
Fav holiday decoration? Stockings - I hang them everywhere - even have bunches and bunches at work for all my coworkers!
ReplyDeleteI love little trees on shelves, on mantles, in windows, in village displays, -- really anywhere.They can be plain, glittered, decorated, frosted with snow,lit or not. I love them in any shade of green or white. Right now I am assembling little trees on spools with a sheet music & ribbon wrapped around the base and bells at the tie. I have given 10away and finally have one to keep for myself (at least for now.)
ReplyDeleteThank you for the Peace on Earth tutorial -- it is beautiful. If I make one,I could add a little tree in the corner! :)
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI like the ornaments that have photos in them because I can look back on past holiday seasons and see how we have changed. I especially love seeing my daughter as a baby since my baby is now an adult.
ReplyDeleteBesides my love of snowmen, probably my most favorite decoration is a nativity scene that I grew up with and is now in my possession. I think my Aunt gave it to us while stationed in Germany many years ago. Wishing you both a very Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy New Year!
ReplyDeleteMy favourite holiday decoration is a vintage mercury glass santa. All of us kids had a special one to hang on the tree each year and they were given to us when we set up our own households. How fun to find out my husband had almost the exact one from his childhood in his stash of stuff our first Christmas together!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite holiday ornament is a Suzy's Zoo snail in a santa hat. It is on my mom's Christmas tree every year. 30 years ago this month, my mom had breast cancer. While she was in the hospital recovering from her mastectomy, she received a flower basket from her co-workers. Two of the items in the flower basket were a purple African violet plant and the Suzy's Zoo snail Christmas ornament. Mom still has that African violet. She has lovingly rooted different leaves over the years and made many "babies" from her original. These babies have been given as gifts of hope to other breast cancer patients over the years. And Mom still has that Suzy's Zoo snail ornament. I love seeing it on her tree every year.
ReplyDeleteLinda B
That Peace on Earth is just gorgeous! I think I may have to make a few--thanks for the inspiration!!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite ornament is a tiny tatted snowflake that my Mom found in the middle of a snowy/slushy street in Michigan when I was about 6 years old. It was wet and dirty. She cleaned it carefully, dried it and put the little loved snowflake on the tree. To me it symbolizes how everything has beauty and nothing is useless.
I love all our handmade ornamnets from my family, my most treasured are the cross stitch ones my mom made, made years ago.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great giveaway.Thanks. My fav decoration is of course the tree. I love looking at all the ornaments. Especially the kid made ones. They bring a smile to my face remembering the pride that went with that ornament as it was hung and the detailed description as how it was made. That's what I call "priceless" take care and Merry Christmas!
ReplyDeleteThanks for taking the time to do a tutorial --it's beautiful! I most definitely will have to try to find the time to make one. My favorite holiday decoration is a porcelain angel ornament given to me by my grandmother when I was born. During my childhood it broke several times and was glued together with a glue that has since turned brown. It's one of those things that is an absolute treasure to me and brings me so much joy to remember my dear grandmother. I always place it near the top of the tree and it is always the first ornament that goes up.
ReplyDeleteThis is stunning!! Love the foil technique. My favorite Christmas decoration is an angel dressed in pink satin that my great-aunt gave me when I was about 5 years old. She always graces one of the top branches of our tree.
ReplyDeleteThe ornaments that my children made when they were in elementary school.
ReplyDeletemy favorite holiday decorations are vintage mercury glass ornaments that i literally have hundreds of clustered in garlands, piled in bowls. of course my new favorite would be your creation as i think it's absolutely stunning... i love you gypsy girls, i really do...
ReplyDeleteI love the garland I drape on the banister year after year. It was looking a little old this year so I added some pine cones and ornaments to brighten it up. I love it so much I put it up before Thanksgiving and we enjoy it right through the new year. Love the Peace on Earth project - gorgeous!
ReplyDeletewhat a great project - i may have to go and search the garage for some wood also! my favourite holiday decorations are the homemade ones, that we stitched as younger people. and the ornaments that were handed down from the great grandparents through the years. oh the memories that they all bring.
ReplyDeleteright now, my favorite decoration are my bottle brush trees.. i have a small grove of trees.. surrounding the stocking holders.. they're all different.. some have glitter, some are flocked, they are not all bottle brush, i have a few pinecone type trees, a few metal and some clear plastic that glow with lights underneath them..
ReplyDeletethanks for the giveaways.. and always sharing your goodness..
My favorite holiday decoration is a paper angel I received when I was in first grade. It was a place card at a school friend's birthday party in December. That angel on my Christmas tree connects all my Christmases, and reminds me of my childhood.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite holiday decoration is my stocking at my mothers house. I am 30ish and my mom still fills my stocking with goodies on Christmas morning. Makes me smile thinking of all the details she tends to and how I have never seen her filling it. It is just full when I get there.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite decoration is an ornament that has a little tape recorder in it. Both my family and my husband’s family were at our house that year. We all sang in our own goofy way, jingle bells (some out of tune more than others) and recorded it. My daughter was 3 at the time and is now in college. I am so thankful to have this little treasure as many of our beloved family are no longer with us. Each year as I play this (with a few tears) I remember that day. It will always hold a special place in my heart.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite decoration is our nativity set. When our daughter was young, she would have the wise men move closer and closer to the stable, not reaching baby Jesus until Christmas. We would find the wise men in the most unexpected places.
ReplyDeleteAwesome project! Can't wait to duplicate it.
Merry, merry!
My mom used to make ceramics and when we were growing up, she made two Christmas sets. One was a sleigh full of presents, along with the reindeer and Santa, and the other set was a caroling scene in front of a church. My job was always to set up the sleigh, while my brother did the caroling scene. I still love seeing those old sets at my parent's house (they still use them) and if we get over there in time when she is decorating, my mom still lets me take care of Santa and his sleigh (and sometimes I let my kids help!). Thank you for this giveway. Today's project is absolutely beautiful!
ReplyDeleteHi Paula and Deb, This is so much fun. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite decorations are the special ornaments that I have on my tree. One is the "secret candy ball" . It is an old paper mache (Sp) decorated ball that I hide in the tree with candy in it. Whoever remembers to look and find it first gets the candy. What is special is that my grown children still look and try to get here first to claim it.
(Can I put in a plug for my Junk Advent Calendar?)
Love this piece, very pretty. My favorite decorations are my angel tree ornaments. I have paper, fabric, handmade and store bought.
ReplyDeleteCandles! every year in one only colour tone. This year all our candles are red.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for sharing this awesome tutorial. Beautiful!
Oh what a wonderful question. I think my favorite decoration is ( I love the decorations from my childhood) is a pink tulle Christmas tree that my Aunt made my Mom. Every year it was my job to get it out and assemble it. I still get so excited to get it out. It's funny how things from our childhood brings back such wonderful memories. Thanks for the opportunity to win. Happy Holiday's. Hugs, Terri
ReplyDeleteGlittered snowflakes everywhere! Love them and can't have enough! This is a very, very cool project - love how the letters are done. Even if there is a lot of waiting for them to dry. :) Thank you for the inspiration!
ReplyDeleteYour "Peace on Earth" piece (say that fast 3 times :)) is just stunning!! Your tutorial is fabulous too....I have never tried that foil, but will have to now that I've seen how you've made your letters look so shabbylicious. Hmmm, favorite holiday decoration would have to be a real tree decorated with handmade ornaments.
awesome Peace on Earth project...my fav decorations always involve SNOWMEN...any kind, any shape....
ReplyDeleteMy favorite holiday decoration is the wreath. It can be made from so many non-holiday components.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite decoration is my nativity that my mother in law gave us. It is the Willow Tree set from Hallmark and it is beautiful in a homemade creche. It is so peaceful and calming. It is the first thing that goes out after Thanksgiving. Love your tutorial. I am definately going to make it! Love it! would be beautiful by my nativity! Thanks!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite holiday decoration? ANYTHING vintage! Best of all-are those little mercury glass ornaments with half the coloring coming off and that can be used in so many ways-on the tree, in your art, heaped in a bowl, scattered about,.etc, etc...
ReplyDeleteGorgeous! Great tutorial too. My favorite christmas decoration is SANTA - the more the better and the older the better too.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite decoration is the boatload of assorted greens I (lovingly) shove into the urns at the front of my house. I love how those things look and the pine aroma when I walk past.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite holiday decoration is the wreath that is hung over the fireplace! It makes me smile!
ReplyDeleteIt's so hard to pick just one .... but i am going to say the vintage angel, that sat on the top of our family tree when we were young. She is a little doll, with a little knit dress that my grandmother made for my parents when they were first married ... so it's about 60 years old now! and I am trying to decide ... do i update her with a vintage style muslin & ribbon dress ... do i add wings ... or do i leave her as is???
ReplyDeleteThis is a hard one, I have so many favorites that I've made over the years. This year my favorites are the fabric trees my son made me from a stash of vintage fabrics I have been hording from my grandmother. Lots of feed sacks and old quilting scraps made the cutest trees. I love the vintage look for all my decorations.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite holiday decoration is my grandmothers little village made out of cardboard. You know the kind that you use a string of lights and put a bulb in each building, and then you can see the colored cellephane windows. Throughout my child hood at Christmas time my grandmother would always set it up on the piano on a bed of Angel hair. I would look at it for hours and imagine living in that little tiny village. I was blessed to get it from her, so now my children have the chance to enjoy it. I love it so much...
Oh my goodnes - love the piece you did today. My kids get on me cause I'm always adding wings to things. They think it's creepy - I love it! My favorite decoration is the manger scene I had growing up and now I have it and it's holds a lot of fond memories. My dad made the shelter piece with his own hands. Special memories and a sign of the true meaning of Christmas to our family.
ReplyDeleteThis is absolutely beautiful! Thank you for the tutorial. And yes, the trees are already all over pinterest. :)
ReplyDeleteMy favorite holiday decoration? That would probably be my Cody Foster house collection. Love them.
Crossing my fingers to win!
So beautiful! My favorite holiday decoration is a wooden nativity set my mom bought me. She bought for my daughter when she was a baby and my kids play with is each year. My two year old son has taken to hiding the baby Jesus all over the house.
ReplyDeleteMy cloth Santa from my Grandmother. Love that cloth Santa.
ReplyDeleteI treasure all of my vintage ornaments!
ReplyDeleteAwesome tutorial! Love the foil technique, haven't seen it before but I want to practice it asap, cool result :-D
ReplyDeleteLately I've discovered "the world of the christmas balls". They are very easy to modify. Just with a bit of paint here and there, some glitter, maybe a few tinsel or paper, .... you can alter this ornament very easily and with great results.
Also it's child friendly and this is very important when you have two little kids ;-D
Tfs, Vron
(P.S.: Congrats to the winner)
Each year, my little 3 year old makes the best ornaments for my tree at school. I love seeing how she has learned to cut out shapes and place them stratigically on the ornament. I love looking at past and present ones she has made me.
ReplyDeleteGosh, I haven't used gold leaf since last Christmas! Love the way the wings came out. Isn't it amazing what you can do with bits and pieces and a lot of imagination.? Thanks for inspiring me today!
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful piece and great tutorial. Thank you so much for such clear and detailed directions. My favorite holiday decoration is a shelf my dad built for me and I place an assortment of old vintage christmas items, items I tole painted and things my kids made for me in it. Each year I put something different in it.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite decorations are all the hand carved Santas that my father carved for me. Some are ornaments, some are figurines and a couple are on stands, but they are all very special to me. He died a couple years ago so these are very cherished pieces.
ReplyDeleteHoly moly! Wow, this project totally blows me away! I love your distressing technique for the letters. Seriously swooning over the vintage shabbiness!
ReplyDeletei collect Santas. Usually get a new one from someone each year. It's always fun to remember who and when I received each one. Lots of memories!
ReplyDeleteI collect Vintage Elves and Santa's. They make me smile each year when I take them out of the box and place them in my tree and on our sofa. Too Cute!
ReplyDeleteThis year it would have to be the burlap stockings that I made. I am just so happy with the way they turned out.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite holiday decoration is my gingerbread village that my little boy decorates. He loves making each house and adding candy. I then put the village on display on my dining room buffet and put crystal garlands around it to look like sparkling snow. The best decorations are made by such tiny little hands.
ReplyDeleteI love my Santa collection, but please don't make me choose just one! Every year, I feel as if I'm getting to see old friends again!
ReplyDeleteI love your peace on earth creation!! That crackle paint is the bomb dot com!! I've gotta get some! My favorite Christmas decoration is ball jars with cranberries and candles. I make them every year!! Oh, and the kids' nativity set. Soooo precious to me!
ReplyDeleteI love the garland on the staircase with the white lights and red bows. I also love my Jim Shore Santa collection!
ReplyDeleteI would love to win this beautiful art!! Thank you for the opportunity...Di
ReplyDeleteMy favorite ornament is a handmade painted wooden ornament of a mother standing over her baby in a cradle. My father-in-law bought it for me in Germany and gave it to me for the first Christmas after the birth of my eldest child. It's special to me in so many ways. The birth of a baby representing Christmas, the memory of that first Christmas and lastly that my father in law bought it - which was so unexpected and unlike him. It's not only my favorite ornament, its my favorite all time Christmas present.
ReplyDeleteLove the tutorial. My favorite decorations (ornaments) are the ones my late Uncle Wally made from clay. They hold a special place in my heart.
ReplyDeleteI love the peace on Earth!!!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite Christmas decoration is a plastic Santa from 1950's. It's in all my childhood Christmas pictures.
Denise c.
Wow, that's like asking to choose a favorite child! Just exaggerating. It's hard to choose between the Snoopy ornament collection dating from the 1970's to the lego village we started when the boys were young, or the Star Trek collection beginning with the first year they came out. Too hard to decide!
ReplyDeleteLove the angel wings and the material that you put behind them! So favorite holiday decoration... My Aunt is very creative and made me 2 large Putz houses from cardboard - a church and a light house. They are both white, glitter silver, snowy and have vintage accessories and they light up! I place these next to a white feather tree that my Husband ( you know the gummbly one that gets the 13 foot tree with me) bought me as a Christmas gift - this vignette just makes me smile and feel festive!
ReplyDeleteCool wings. Favorite decoration... I have these small resin figures from 15 years ago. They are a woodland theme. Santa and a fox, moose, bear, raccoon, and reindeer. Tiny and so sweet.
So hard to choose... But with me the longest is the angel
ReplyDeletethat tops my tree. She was the 50 cent Christmas exchange
in fourth grade. I remember the name in the exchange. The
unusual detail about her is her brown hair. Most angels are blondes. Angels are among us... Angels continue to touch
my life... merry, merry Christmas... Peace on earth...
I love your art piece. It is truly stunning and thank you for the tutorial.
ReplyDeleteHow to decide... I love different things. I love to display my Santa collection and and my snowmen collection. They are in different rooms coordinated with the colors of the room. I also love the ornaments I use for our tree. Always matte gold and silver and clear glass.
Thank you for a chance to win.
Love the combination of foil and crackle!! You are so darned clever. I have a beautiful nativity scene that is very special to me. I also really love to have lots of real greenery in the house. Happy Holidays everyone!
ReplyDeleteWhat a gorgeous project... love the wonderful vintage look,especially the distressed gold foil and the crackle finish. Thanks for the detailed tutorial, too.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite decoration is always our Christmas tree. Almost every ornament I use has some memory or significance, so decorating the tree is a little like going thru an album or journal; I have ornaments my mom has given me over the years, those from my MIL, ones I've collected, even a felt cat with sequins glued on that I made for my mom when I was 3 or 4. Of course I also love the way the tree looks all decorated and lit up, when it's finished.
Absolutely gorgeous!!!! I am a huge fan of the angel wings! Nothing else out there compares! You make this Christmas project so simple! Certainly love all the elements, and appreciate th tutorial on how to do the beautiful letters....so elegant !!!!
ReplyDeleteYour "box" is gorgeous! I am adding this to my "to do" list after the new year.
ReplyDeleteThe decoration that means the most to me is Nana Sara's (remember her from the Coffee Cake recipe?!) Nativity that was given to me when she passed away. My mother glazed the pieces in a ceramics class and my father made the stable out of balsa wood and we gave the Nativity to Nana Sara for Christmas. It is the first thing I put up and the last thing I take down every year. I keep the pieces wrapped in the same tissue paper that Nana Sara used and keep them snug in their shoe box that she kept them in. There's been LOTS of tape used thru the years to hold the box together, but I kinda think of the tape as arms hugging the box tight. Like Nana used to do to me.
Wow, how gorgeous is this frame and thanks for all the detail instructions. There is going to be one lucky gal to win this beauty!
ReplyDeleteI had a favorite santa in the sleigh with reindeer, led by Rudolph -- until this year: my 10 year old took her AG bitty baby doll and made a manger scene for our entry way. She shredded yellow and brown paper to look like straw and laid the doll in a doll bed. So sweet!
ReplyDeletemy favorite is the nativity set purchased 35 years ago. it is starting to show its age, which makes it even better.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite decoration is the angel that sits on the top of my christmas tree. Everytime I look at it, no matter what, it always gives me the feeling of comfort and peace. It makes me feel like I'm being watched over and cared for.
ReplyDeleteSnowmen--in all sizes, shapes, and materials. And thank you for the lovely tutorial!
ReplyDeleteI am so happy T!m shared your blog. It's fabulous! My favorite decoration has to be our holiday garland. Its just plain garland. However, it is transformed every year into a beautiful, meaningful work of art as my daughter and I complete the 12 tags of Christmas. As we finish tags, we add them to the garland.
ReplyDeleteFirstly WOW.. your project is just stunning and should I win I think it would become my new best decoration.. but for now I'd have to say the tree is my favorite decoration, It's where the family gathers to decorate with ornaments that have been passed down or lovingly made. And it's where the magic happens as children see the presents under it.
ReplyDeleteHappy Holidays to you all, and thanks for the giveaway chances xx
My large needlepoint stocking I made plus the standing Santa needlepoint I made. They are exquisite. This is a beautiful project. I love the use of crackle. So creative. Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great tutorial! and a beautiful project!
ReplyDeleteNumber 1...love this box of vintage goodness...those wings and the letters are fantastic!!! Where do I get that foil?
ReplyDeleteNumber 2...my favorite decoration is the main Christmas tree in our den. It is not Christmas until that goes up. It houses all the ornaments my three children have concocted, all the ones the receive every year, and every one given to us since the day my husband and I married. It is a tradition that we each put up our own and read them (I write on the back on each one of the kids) while listening to Christmas music! Sweet, sweet memories and pure joy!
Gorgeous creation - thanks for sharing the details! My fav decoration is a little old angel that I got in my stocking about 40 years ago. It's a little tattered and balding, but it reminds me of childhood & dreams & hope. My sister always says "oh that ratty angel again!..." LOL
ReplyDeleteMy favorite holiday decoration is my "Addy Angel". My Sister, Addy, passed away suddenly 6 years ago at the age of 26. My Mom, being an artist, created "Addy Angels" for all of Addy's close friends and relatives. It looks very similar to your "Peace On Earth" decoration. Every year I put the Addy Angel out and tell my 4 kids stories about their "Auntie Addy". It helps keep her memory alive and special to me!
ReplyDeleteBoy what a hard question, as I have many from different moments in my life.
ReplyDeleteOne ornament I particularly cherish from my childhood are two beautiful white feather angels with porcelain heads. I always think of my mother, long departed, and our little christmases we had together.
Oh, your "peace on earth" is so wonderful!!! I hope, it will be in the near future.
ReplyDeleteAnd my favorite holiday decoration are candles! And lights, and my decoration things. I´ve a lot of is.
Oh, and my cat is a nice decoration too.*lol*
My favorite holiday decoration is the mistletoe over the entryway door ... gives me permission to kiss and hug each and every guest coming into our home for the holidays!
ReplyDeleteFirst.. Tim sent me.. Second.. your foil crackling is AMAZING. who would have thought?! surely not me!! and it's so FABULOUS. I cannot wait to try it!! Third.. I have a new favorite decoration this year... Santa photos. our near 11 month old got his first this year and it's so precious! right on the mantle to outshine all the other decorations it went ♥
ReplyDeleteFascinating! I've never seen anything like this...a real show stopper..would love to have this on my wall. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite holiday decoration are the hand embroidered felt hearts we bought soon after we were married. They hang from our fireplace boughs.
ReplyDeleteSo pretty!!!! I love your creation!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite holiday decorations are the handmade ones that have been created by my two special girls! We have snowmen, pine cones and all kinds of goodness. It warms my heart each year to hang them on the tree knowing the precious time we had making them.
Gorgeous project! Thanks for the chance to win! My favorite decoration is my treetop angel. It belonged to my grandfather who passed away ten years ago this Christmas. Putting it on the tree each year brings him back a bit each year. :)
ReplyDeleteDefinitely any kind of tree ornament.
ReplyDeleteThis is stunning and I love the gold technique!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite ornaments are the 3 Angels that belong to my 3 kids. Two of them are Bear angels for my boys and the other is a fabric doll for my daughter! Great blog, looking forward to seeing more techniques.
My fav holiday decoration, is definitely my fish ornament for in the christmas three i bought on a belgium antique market, love that one, and it's always wrapped in so much foil, it's a joy unpacking it, to hang in the christmas three!
ReplyDeleteThis is gorgeous!
ReplyDeleteMy new favorite holiday decoration is a burlap and ribbon garland I made this year- it swoops ever so dramatically over my Christmas tree!
I love the foil on the wings! absolutely beautiful! My favorite holiday decoration is a little plaster angel. I bought it 16 years ago. He represents my stillborn son (dec.9th 1995). I'll never forget that empty christmas of 1995. Now I have two beautiful girls (15 and 11 yo) and they love the little angel too!
ReplyDeleteThe star topper. It's from my childhood. We have pictures of my dad holding whoever was the youngest child at the time, up to put the star on the top. And now it's on my tree. It's not in great condition, but it still lights up and is tradition.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite holiday decoration is a white birch log my Grandfather cut for my Mother many years ago in MN. It holds two taper candles and I can add whatever colors of decor in/around the candles that I wish. My Mom passed away 9 years ago, so putting this out each year brings a flood of memories; I treasure this simple piece! It just occurred to me that maybe I should just keep it out year-round and change out the decor and enjoy it daily?! LOVE your blog!
ReplyDeleteHands down...it is the handmade ornaments that I have made with both of my daughters. Each year when we decorate the tree, we look back, and we are reminded of the quality time we spent together creating them. It means so much to me to share moments like that with them, especially as they get older. I love your project posted today. So much detail and the tutorial is done perfectly! Wishing you a Most Joyous Holiday Season! Cheers, Tonya
ReplyDeleteThis is absolutely beautiful. Thanks for sharing.... i just found your blog thru Tim Holtz's blog! My favorite christmas decoration is a tiny plastic santa that my grandma always hung on her tree....you know the kind....plastic covered in a fake felt kinda stuff....with a cotton beard.....he is just a warm memory to me and he takes the center spot on the tree every year!
ReplyDeleteI love Santas. I have them everywhere and gravitate towards them whereever I see them.
ReplyDeleteI love the foil, I've never seen it before. :)
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of favorite decorations, they are a tradition themselves.
We all have hand beaded home made stockings, the oldest one is 46 years old, the age of my sister, the youngest one is 13 the age of my daughter. They are all very similar and they make me smile every time we unpack them and they make me a little sad when we put them up. You can feel the love in the stitching...
That is them over my daughters shoulder.
Oh, this is so lovely! Found you through Tim's blog, and so glad I came!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite decoration would have to be the scherenshnitte (paper cutting)nativity scene I made so many years ago. It is 3 pieces of parchment paper, 1 the 3 kings, 1 3 angels, and the center one is Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus. I display them in the window panes of our living room window, with an electric candle underneath them, and they make a lovely silhouette at night when they sky turns dark. I am amazed that they still look good after all these years!
Afraid I don't have Christmas decorations - I just have lots of candles - so I can't join in with this one but I just wanted to say that I absolutely love your project. Wonderful x
ReplyDeleteMy favorite holiday decoration is my Christmas tree. I found a phenomenal deal on it a couple years ago and it makes me happy every time I pull it out of the box. I love turning up some Christmas music and dancing around in my Christmas 'Happy Pants', as my family calls pajama pants, and putting up all my ornaments and tree trimmings. Then I usually have a creativity streak afterward and I'll make a dash for the craft room and make a couple more handmade ornaments or various Christmas decor.
ReplyDeleteMy favorites are some little chenille pipe cleaner Santas with clay faces. I remember hanging them on the tree as a child and now many years later they live at my house....older, faded, but still precious and filled with many memories.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful tutorial today....maybe I will win it but I am certain I will have to make one! THANKS!
This is absolutely beautiful! Thanks for the great tutorial too! My favorite holliday decoration is a fat santa that I got when I waas really little. It was full of bubble bath powder and I was allergic to it--fun memory--but we kept the Santa and he's been on my tree ever since. Love that memory--thanks for making me remember it.
ReplyDeleteI love my Willow Tree Nativity!
ReplyDeleteMy mom and dad grew up during the Depression and got married during the War before my dad went overseas. They had very little money, but one of their first Christmas decorations was Angie the Christmas Tree Angel. When my sister and brother and I were little, we all helped decorate the tree and the very last thing to go on was Angie. My mom had this great song to go along with putting her on the tree that we'd always sing. It's going through my head now. My oldest sister has Angie now and proudly puts her on her tree every year. She's little more than a cardboard tube, wings, dress and a porcelain head with hair, but oh, how it brings back those past Christmases! The wings in your box reminds me of her.
What a gorgeous piece!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite decoration? It's hard to choose because when I was a child my aunt sent us a hand made ornament or decoration every year. One is particularly beautiful though. It is a paper mache statue of the Madonna and child that she painted a silver grey and added gems to the halo. It takes a place of honor on the mantle every year.
I am so stealing this inspiration! Love it! My favorite holiday decorations are my Santas- so much so that some stay out year round!
ReplyDeleteI love Christmas. I have many favorites, but my most favorite is the little Christmas tree I put up in our bedroom. It is covered with ornaments that I have gotten for my Husband every year on our anniversary in January.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite deconration is of course MY tree. We have two in our home, one smaller traditional tree where we all watch TV and then MY tree. My tree sits in our formal living room and is deocrated in white, silver and glass. IT is just so lovely!
ReplyDeleteMy fave decoration is anything made with vintage music paper...ornaments, altered frames, etc. I just love the neutral yet rich and lovely look it provides! (your piece is no exception - it's beautiful!
ReplyDeleteWhat a awesome project and great tutorial! Thank you so much.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite? ...the wooden Santa Claus and my quilt with trees to hang my christmas cards on.
I love it all, but I think my favorite is the tree...with ornaments that I've received over the year which commemmorate events. My Mummy used to pick out one ornament a year for us so that when we went out on our own, we'd have enough "special" ornaments to have on our own tree.
ReplyDeleteWhat a STUNNING piece!! As for my favorite decoration....we have a snowman that sits in our foyer....he's lit up, (looks like he's made of giant ice cubes), and has a big smile. He greets everyone coming in our door and everyone asks where we got him....he truly spreads the holiday cheer here!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite decoration is my bauble chandelier. I used 2 wire dry cleaners hangers to weave through my dining room light fixture and then used cotton to hang baubles off of the rings. Love the look and all for less than $5.
ReplyDeleteMy favourite holiday decoration is the big Christmas tree. Over the years I've made loads of ornaments so now the only ones hanging on the tree are those plus a very few special ones (baby's first Christmas etc..).
ReplyDeleteI love the various creches made around the world. I've been collecting small ones from different countries. The artistry is so unique while the theme is the same: the birth of Jesus.
ReplyDeleteThis project is great! Love the way you did it. My favorite is the ornaments my son made me when he was little.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite decoration would have to be our tree. I love the wonderful memories it holds. It's something we add to each year with new memories. Even during this very busy time, I take time every day to just look at it an cherish the fun times we have had as a family.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the chance to win this awesome prize!
My favorite decoration this time of year has to be the lights...lights on the tree, lights on the house, lights in the yard.
ReplyDeleteSeriously, you're giving this away?!? I absolutely LOVE it!
ReplyDeleteOh, this would be a dream come true!
My favorite holiday decoration would have to be the string pieced Christmas stockings that my mother made. They've been hanging on our Christmas mantel for so many years and have become more precious since my mother (The Real Mrs. Claus) passed away.
Thank you for this giveaway!
Gee that's a HARD one!!! I don't think I can narrow it down to ONE... My favorite is trimming the tree with all the ornaments I have been collecting and accumulating over the years. Each one brings a smile to my face as I remember where it came from. Usually I try to collect or buy something for the tree where ever I travel over the year. I always try to find something silver, gold or white for my Mom's tree each year too.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite decoration is the tree with all the lights and the ornaments which hold so many memories.
ReplyDeleteI love anything vintage - Father Christmas is probably my favorite but so are angels and snowpeople.
ReplyDeleteLove your techniques. great project.
My favorite decoration is my Precious Moments Nativity set. I began collecting the pieces about 10 years ago - they no longer make them in the size I have. They've made it through a couple of moves with only one angel losing her halo. It is the one decoration that no one else is allowed to help with. Setting it out sets my mood for the Christmas season.
ReplyDeleteI love this project with all of its vintage-ness! The crackle techniques are wonderful. My favorite Christmas decoration is the tree-I love putting on the ornaments each year and remembering where each one came from!
ReplyDeletemy favorite holiday decorations has to be the tree. even with just the white lights it is beautiful. put on the homemade ornaments from the kids, ornaments given to the family as gifts, the tree just sparkles. i love the fresh cut tree. walking in the door, smelling the evergreen throughout the house, makes my heart happy.
ReplyDeleteMaria P-CT
I love mercury glass old and new. In candlesticks, ornaments, votives. I have a nice collection that spreads the sparkle around the house. Also old and new trees that are white and pink to give that snowey fairyland magic that I love at this time of year!!! All of my mother and mother in laws past on ornaments also bring me the joy of passing on the traditions of this time so precious with family.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite decoration is definitely my tree. Putting it up and taking all the decorations out of their boxes every year is like a wonderful trip through my memories. I remember who gave me what ornament and why they chose it. It's just really a wonderful time to reflect and count my blessings!
ReplyDeleteOh, I am loving your winged bottle of hope. Beautiful project! My favorite holiday decorations are a set of snow people I made with my sons when they were little. They are styrofoam balls we painted and powdered and then adorned with hats and vests and purses. One is even a tiny little dog.
ReplyDeleteLovely piece of art - all that texture and foiling!! Favourite decoration is difficult. I sometimes think I'd like a colour co-ordinated tree with one or two colours. But no, everything in the box usually goes on - tinsel, lights, baubles, the more the merrier!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite decoration is the lights! There is nothing better to brighten up a cold, dark night than coming around the corner and seeing my house lit up. It makes me smile every time. And gives me one more reason to love my husband- he puts them up and makes sure they are on before I get home.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite decoration has to be the tree, I feel sorry for the people that has to have a color cordinated tree, each ornament brings back so many memories. My favorite ornament is from my childhood that mom let me have. Its a plactic silver reindeer with the silver chipping some but it was the first ornament I wanted on the tree then and now.
ReplyDeleteI would LOVE to win PEACE ON EARTH! I was praying for a little silent night last night..to hear an angel's voice through the chaos and the noise (Amy Grant song). TOTALLY love the angel wings and want to try that! Thanks to Tim for telling me about your wonderful blog!
My favourite decorations are small glass birds with feather tails that remind me of my grandmother's tree.
ReplyDeletethank you for the 'oh so easy' tutorial on 'peace'. love them wings also the crackle. my favorite is taking all the cards i receive and hanging them on the wall. this has been a holiday tradition all my life. i usually send out over 60 cards. i don't get that many back anymore due to the rising cost of postage. so sad!
ReplyDeletemy favorite decoration is lights! they make everything look better :)
ReplyDeleteI love this project!! I must give it a try! My favorite ornament is a little bitty glass ball that my Dad gave me 17 yrs ago. He had a fellow Painter paint a little Angel on it to look like my Angel Son, then she painted his name on it so that he could join the Family at the Christmas Tree every Christmas. It resides on top of my jewelry box when the tree isn't up.
ReplyDeleteCompletely stunning piece...and the message is what we should all strive for and live our lives to realize.
ReplyDeleteWhen I was about 20, I ordered some little blown glass tin soldier ornaments from a catalog. They are my favorite ornaments. They are about 5 inches tall and just make me feel like Christmas is really here.
ReplyDeleteI love the Peace on Earth decoration. I would love to win it, but thanks to you, if I don't, I can create my own. Great directions and GORGEOUS decoration!
My favorite holiday decoration? My beautiful collection of handmade Santas that my Mom made for me years ago. She created a collection of Santas for my sister and I -- some are wood, some are fabric and they're all beautiful and primitive. They make me think of her every year when I decorate with them.
ReplyDeleteI love your "Peace on Earth" piece -- very beautiful work. Thanks for sharing your "how to" so I can create one for myself. Merry Christmas!
I love a wreath made from fresh balsam branches. Mmmm. Love that smell. The piece you made today is so stunning. Don't we all want peace on earth?! Thanks for the chance to win.
ReplyDeleteFuzz balls from quilt batting and the cut off ends of thread from my embroiderying stuck to my butt. It means I'm getting stuff made!
purpleone at g mail dot com
I came over from Tim Holtz' blog! Anyway, my favorite holiday decoration(s) are the ones my husband and son turned on the lathe! thanks for a chance to win!
ReplyDeleteAnd, have a GREAT day!
wow! that is beautiful!
ReplyDeletemy fave holiday decoration is fresh boughs and greens because the aroma is delightful! you can leave them plain or decorate them with ribbons. but the fragrance sends me to heaven every time! :)
What a wonderful project! Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite decorations are reindeer ornaments.
Well, I think I'm too far away for the giveaway,but I had to write and tell you how much I enjoyed your blog. I just fell in love with the art piece you have done and I would love to have a go. I found you through Tim Holtz site and I will definately visit every day now. My favourite Christmas ornament is a angel candle that belonged to my mother and I will treasure it for ever. Hugs from Scotland Rita xxx
ReplyDeleteI would have to say the Christmas tree, with all its beautiful lights and wonderful ornaments!! Oh, so glorious! PS tim holtz sent me here!
ReplyDeleteOrnaments. We were in the military so have ornaments from all over the world. As I decorate...I remember all the different places we have lived and memories of our holidays there.
ReplyDeleteI have an old silver bell that was my grandmothers and then my mothers. It says "God Jul" on it and I think my grandmother brought it with her from Sweden when she came to America in 1923. I can still picture it hanging above her stone chimney from when I was a girl some 40 plus years ago.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite holiday decoration is a ordainment that a friend of mine gave me years ago of a dachshund in a wreath. Years have passed and she has to from Brain cancer. But, every time I see that ordainment I think of her and how sweet she was for buying it for me.
ReplyDeleteMY favorite decoration =now that is hard to choose. I love my Nativity because it represents the true reason of Christmas. But my favorite decoration has to be my little pair of baby angles my dad bought me during my 4th Christmas season-- I still remember seeing them in the store. It was snowing and I was Christmas shopping with my daddy while my 2 older sisters were shopping with my mommy. The ladies had gone to a big girls store daddy and I went to the toys and decorations areas. We were looking at the tree with all of the glittering ornaments when I spotted a baby girl and baby boy angle--she has long white hair and he has short white hair- Every time I pull them from their tissue wrapping I am transported back through time to that evening(over 46 years ago now) a little girl hanging on to her daddy's finger and asking "PLEASE?" Although that daddy passed away 12 years ago now his indulgent smile lives on.
ReplyDeleteI love the warm glow of all the lights! I have 1585 lights on my tree, a ton outside, and even more inside intertwined with all the greenery on my piano, fireplace and windows. I guess I love greenery too! It brings the outside in! I love my home all decorated for Christmas!
ReplyDeleteI would have to say mine is a homemade stick figure out of twigs from a tree that was loosing all its leaves and my 5 yr old son made a {well it is rather on the large side lol} a Santa out of this pile of twigs, he did not want any help there are no eyes but he does have a beard out of cotton and he is the skinniest Santa I have ever seen but as the yrs pass he is very delicate and need special handling, It means so much much to me and until I feel he is no longer strong enough to hang on our tree he will remain the main decoration on the tree.
ReplyDeleteA "yule log" that my oldest son made when he was 4 or 5 years old - about 30 years ago. Basically a piece of log with a candle in it, sprinkled with some glitter and some plastic poinsettia pieces! We set it out every year - wouldn't be Christmas without it!
ReplyDeleteAs I do not celebrate Christmas, but Hanukkah, I try to have many light in my house as decoration. My favourite one is the one I made with my children. A board with lights stuck on and than cut out houses in front of the little lights and each house a Menorah in front of the window. It was always so festive when we came home and the girls could put the plug in and light up the room.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI love nativity scenes. I have a special one that we put out piece by piece each evening until on Christmas Eve we add baby Jesus. We also read the scriptures that tell about the nativity on Christmas Eve when the grand children are over and all the lights are out except the Christmas Tree and The Nativity light. It is very special and they look forward to it.
ReplyDeleteWow! What a gorgeous project! My fav Christmas decorations are the ornaments my mother collected for me every year as I was growing up. Some of them are super tacky, some almost falling apart, and some unbelievably beautiful. My most fav is the angel from the year I was born (1964, yes, I said it) and it is so precious to me! I'm doing the same tradition with my kids. Some years they even pick out or make their own ornaments!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite ornament is a little walnut that opens and there is a tiny nativity set inside. My dear sweet mother gave it to me many years ago. She said when I was small, I would always ask her "The baby Jesus didn't even have a bed?". I love that my mother picked that ornament for me and that the innocence of that childhood question still has great impact not only for me, but for the world.
ReplyDeleteMy favourite holiday decoration is a tree ornament that my grandparents had. It is in the shape of an ice cream cone with the cone on the bottom and the circular part on top. It is a beautiful gold and red colour with such details that you don't see on modern tree ornaments. It is made form the old fashioned very fine material that is not quite glass like - very light to hold. It is so delicate and catches the light when it hangs from a tree branch. It must be close to 75 years old and every year when I decorate the tree, it reminds me of how our family gathered to decorate and enjoy the tree. I lost both my grandparents when I was 9 years old, so this deocoration is a treasure to me.
This is so amazing. I love the stacked wings! My favorite decoration is the ornaments we've collected or made over the years. Each one has a special story. Thanks for the chance to win!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite decorations are the handmade stockings given to each member of our family! My mother-
ReplyDeletein-law either cross-stitched or
embroidered each one...Handmade
and heartfelt!
Your Peace On Earth is gorgeous!
Many thanks, Cindi
Wow!! I'm speechless. I love your creativity! My favorite ornament would be ANY that my girls made over the years ;-)
ReplyDeleteMy mom has a small box of tiny mercury glass ornament that my forward-looking, environmentally conscious grandmother used to put on her small artificial Christmas tree. Many of the ornaments were her mother's, so they are quite old, and each is carefully placed in its own little cubby with a hand-written label from my grandmother explaining the origin. We had to take photos so as not to mix the labels and ornaments up, but the entire package is a charming piece of family history.
ReplyDeleteI LOVE your design. My favorite decoration for Christmas decoration has got to be my Nativity Scene. It is a very happy sad decoration. It was given to me by my father in law who was killed in a car accident bringing it to me. It survived the crash with just one small chip. It is put up with lots of love and memories of a wonderful man.
ReplyDeleteWOW!!Just found your site through Tim Holtz's blog... Love it!!
ReplyDeleteAnd |I just LOVE this "PEACE" piece you did!! It is simply gorgeous!!
I collect Santas so I have to say they are my favorite decoration. It is so much fun to take them all out every year and remember who gave them to me or where I got them from...
I love nativities, Every year I get a new one. Some are pictures of nativities, some are gifts, some are homemade. My most treasured one is the one my daughter now 26 made in kindergarten. She laughs at it when I bring it out but it always goes where I can see it everyday. Looking forward to the ones I'm sure my grandkids will make.
ReplyDeleteI love your Peace on Earth project this would make a lovely new favorite Christmas piece! My favorite decoration came from my Grandmother 45 years ago and is the baby Jesus in the manger.
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas to all!! Cindy
The project is gorgeous! The wings are wonderful. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite decoration(s) are my vintage paper cutouts
(of trees and Santas and reindeer...) They were my Grandmothers and they remind me of family...
With out a doubt the lights!!!!! In doors, out doors, it's the lights. So excited out this week with you girls and seeing all that you create. Thank you for this and the Happiest of Holidays to you both.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite Christmas decoration would be a handmade ceramic Christmas tree made over 40 years ago. Love your Peace on Earth project. I just came across some of my mom's OLD sheet music ...... 1927 era. What a neat project for using some of it.
ReplyDeleteOne of my favorite Christmas decorations are the ones that my kids and I make together. I work many hours so getting to spend time with my kids and getting creative. That is the best part of christmas.
ReplyDeleteMy favourite Christmas decoration is a row of chipboard bunting with the words Winter Wishes on it. It was inspired by many of Tim Holtz tags over the years. Although a bit battered I just love it and it is suited to everyone, even those who do not celebrate Christmas like I do.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite decoration are some ornaments from my granparents tree. I remember as a little girl sitting in the glow from the fireplace and gazing at the magical angels and miniature trees. I still go back to that moment 50 years later when I unpack them each year. I miss my grandparents very much but it seems as if they are closer this time of year.
ReplyDeleteI love many types of Christmas decorations, but they MUST be handmade! I've done needlepoint, cross stitch, quilting, stamping, scrapbooking, dabbled in multimedia (and this one today really turns me on!), knitting/crochet, macrame, candlewicking!! OMG, you name it, I've done it! If only I didn't have to work and sleep I could do it all. Love your projects and thanks to Tim Holtz for steering me to your blog.
ReplyDeleteJen Johnson
Wow Fabulous Holiday project! My favorite holiday decoration is my MN vikings snowman. I was born and raised in MN and left 12 years ago after finishing college so this cute little snowman is a reminder of all my great childhood Christmas memories.
ReplyDeleteI absolutely love your PEACE project! And how cute to see the photos of you all making enchiladas together. So glad I found your blog!
ReplyDeleteBetty Mae
What a great tutorial-I love the crackle paint ideas, Fab :)
ReplyDeleteMy favorite decoration is a crochet angel my mom made for me, I love it :) x
What is your favorite holiday decoration? Absolutely an ANGEL and she is thee tree topper every year. I believe in Angels and have a never ending love and respect for them...never underestimate their power.
ReplyDeleteI truly LOVE the piece Paula that you made...it would be a blessing to treasure and have if I should win. Thank you for the generous chance.
Peace and Love, ArteDar
Every year since 1960, we have bundled up on Christmas Eve and set out to find Santa Claus. I have wonderful memories of piling into my Dad's Buick, kids all crammed in the back seat, my Dad and Uncle up front, one driving and one navigating, our little cold noses pressed up against the car windows, trying to get a glimpse of the Sleigh, or Rudolph or the Big Elf himself.
ReplyDeleteEvery year without fail, we would return to Grandma's house to find that HE HAD JUST BEEN THERE!! Oh so frustrating!
One year I decided to stay at the house, so not to miss him, but was somehow convinced that it was better to go out and look for him, so off we went, and when we came back, HE HAD JUST BEEN THERE! I repeated this tradition with my children, and now I am a new Grandmother, so will continue to take the grandchildren out on that yearly trek going out to find Santa Claus, returning home to find a home full of love, goodies on the table, and presents under the tree, because HE HAD JUST BEEN THERE!
Brilliant idea for the gold foil! My favorite holiday decoration is the first Hallmark keepsake ornament my husband and I received our first Christmas of being married.
ReplyDeleteWhat fun it is to bring out the well-loved ornaments that my two sons made over the years as they were growing up! Now that they have homes and Christmas trees of their own some of the ornaments are shared with them, yet others remain on our tree here at home.
ReplyDeleteMemories so precious!
Your "Peace On Earth" is so delightful! Thank you for the well illustrated tutorial!
Joyful blessings.......~Sandie
My favorite holiday decoration is the Nativity. I am blessed to still have my mother alive at the age of 89 and she and I set it up together. We talk about the birth of the Savior and what an important event for mankind it was. We feel so blessed to live in a country where we are given the freedom to celebrate this Glorious holiday and all it entails.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite Christmas decoration is the angel on top of my tree. This angel was something my parents had. She has real angel hair and (oddly)a 'plastic' dress. I have been so blessed to be the keeper of her. She has been on my tree since I was a child. I had a wonderful earthly father and it reminds me of him.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite holiday decoration are the icicle lights that we hang outside the house. Partly because this becomes shared with others and partly because I love the extra light at this dark time of year.
ReplyDeleteAloha, Kate
I am sorry I read the question incorrectly, I stated my favorite "tradition" rather than "decoration. So although the story was sweet, it didn't answer your question!
ReplyDeleteWe had a little Manger scene, very tiny, about 2 inches tall and 3 inches wide. it was old even when I was a kid, back in the 50's.
Each year among all the shiny new ornaments, and sparkly decorations, tinsel and twinkly lights, we would unwrap this little manger scene. Somehow it managed to bring to me, the REAL meaning of why we were celebrating.
It wasn't showy and it didn't sparkle, but in it's serenity, it made me feel happy. We would set it out on the coffee table and I actually still set it out each year to this day.
Absolutely gorgeous project that I would be proud to hang in my home! My favorite decorations are the ones my parents have collected over 50 years and keep in their home in Mesa Az. I drive over from the west valley every week or so to spend time with them and those wonderful childhood memories! I know that, someday, those sweet ornaments, nativity scene, and wall hangings will be in my home to cherish and pass on.
ReplyDeleteMy gosh I love this project, I must complete one myself! I would love to win and make myself something really nice:) Of course I will share with others!! May you two ladies have a great holiday time!
ReplyDeleteEvery year I make or buy a new decoration for each of my children so when the (finally) move out, they will have an assortment to start their own tradition/tree with. This year, my daughter bought me on too. It is from Hallmark and based on the book... "Guess how much I love you". I used to read this book to them when they were much younger. That is my new favourite decoration.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite is all the hand made ornaments my kids made when they were in school. They are a little tattered after all these years but I adore them and they go on the tree every year. Your project is so beautiful. Love it!
ReplyDeleteFav holiday decoration? That has to be my multicultural snowmen family I made from different colour felt balls, black felt for hats and twigs for arms-all a mix of colours, reds, purples, greens and orange...bright and cheerful!!
ReplyDeleteLoving your blog...so glad I found it!
Hey y'all, I came over from T!ms blog. I Love this piece. My favorite decoration is an ornament. It's the only one left of a set we had when I was a child. (I'm 62!) It's a little short, chunky cylinder with a set of rotating blades inside. We just put it over a light or heat source and it spins around. It's plastic upper and lower parts are pink. I love the memories it prompts when I see it. My youngest son also loves it. When He's here during decoration...he gets to hang it. Thanks for the memories
ReplyDeleteI love the ornaments made by my son and now my grandson.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite decoration would be the Christmas quilt my sister made for me.
ReplyDeleteYour project is wonderful and I so appreciate your tutorial!
I just love the vintage ball ornaments from my childhood, many glittered, and with with star designs or pointy bottoms; I have been buying similar to these over the years based on my fond memories of a '50s-era Christmas. Now that I am familiar with glitter, etc. I plan to glitter my own. One of my favorite traditions was baking a cinnamon cookie we used to make specifically to hang on the tree. The recipe produced a rock-hard cookie. I just wish i could find that recipe! We double cut the cookies using glassware (very likely jelly jars-one large, one small). We put up our tree Christmas Eve, tied red ribbons through the cookies and hung on our tree. BTW, love the peace on earth tutorial!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite holiday decoration is lights - I'm hoping to take my kids out to look at all the lights tonight, in fact. So pretty, and if it isn't foggy, we'll have a view of city lights across the bay too.
ReplyDeleteoh my.. besides my 12 tags each year, would have to be my Ezee Pzee crate i made last year.